Hiring A Virtual Assistant

In a world of Siri and Alexa it’s no surprise that the virtual assistant field is booming. Companies like Upwork and HireMyMom.com allow you to contract individuals to work remotely. These individuals are typically self-employed independent contractors who work from home, and have backgrounds in anything from professional administration to technical or creative fields. Assistants communicate with clients primarily via email, but Skype, phone calls, or Google Voice calls are also standard. Work is arranged on a contractual basis.

Deciding which tasks to delegate can be tough,  especially when you’re just building a relationship (and trust!) with your new virtual assistant. Here are some ideas for tasks you can easily outsource:

  • Scheduling – Digital tools make it easy for a virtual assistant to handle your schedule remotely.
  • Bookkeeping – Your assistant can follow up on outstanding invoices or unpaid bills.
  • Data Entry – Hire an assistant to enter sales lead contact information or project report data.
  • Proofing – Even if you’re a strong writer, get peace of mind by having your publication professionally proofed.
  • Research – A virtual assistant can conduct leads research, or report on industry or market trends.
  • Travel Coordination – Find the best deals and accommodations with the help of an expert.

Hire someone for a few hours or a few months. It’s up to you. The key is, you don’t have to — indeed, shouldn’t — try to do everything yourself. Chances are your time is better spent following up with prospects than it is typing in those email addresses after your last trade show.

So don’t do what you can hire someone else to do, especially when it’s so easy to hire someone remote.